Research and development of biotechnological products and services in transfusion medicine and advanced immunohematology.

Progress has been made in the implementation of new advanced immunohematology services.

Ícono que representa el análisis de los glóbulos rojos de la sangre

Standardization of the method of cryopreservation of red blood cell units with rare phenotypes.

Ícono que representa un gen

Validation of techniques
of erythrocyte genotyping
Ag RH and RHCE

Ícono que representa un laboratorio

Incorporation of technological infrastructure for immunohematological inmunohematológicas

Ícono que representa un gen

Creation of a plateletpheresis donor de plaquetaféresis

In 2020, IDCBIS put into operation the first Molecular Immunohematology Laboratory in Colombia, creating in turn the Registry of Donors with Rare Blood Phenotypes, the first program of its kind in Colombia that will aim to identify people with unique or rare blood groups (i.e. not represented in phenotypes A, B, O, AB or in the RH system), to create a community of people who can be contacted at the national level at the time a blood donation with these characteristics is required.

The program, called IDCBIS Single Donor Registry, will help preserve the lives of that 0.01% of the population that has uncommon blood groups; and therefore, in case they require a transfusion, they are at risk of receiving blood that is not completely compatible and that their immune system could reject by identifying it as a foreign element.

Logo programa de donantes únicos del Banco Distrital de Sangre IDCBIS versión a color

Gráfica de porcentajes de sangre poco común

We all know the ABO and Rh +/- blood groups, as about 99.99% of the world's population has them, but did you know that there are more than 300 identified blood groups?

Donante con sangre poco común

There are people who do not belong to that 99.99%, as they generate antibodies against the most common blood groups. This unique characteristic can result in complications if a person who has it receives a blood transfusion.

For this reason it is very important to identify those who have the unique blood groups. The IDCBIS Single Donor Registry seeks to preserve the lives of patients with special blood groups through a community of people who could be contacted when a blood donation is needed nationwide.

If a recipient with a single blood type receives a transfusion of blood that is not fully compatible, his body would identify the blood he receives as a foreign body and his immune system would have a reaction.

Several countries internationally have
programs to care for patients
with unique blood groups.

The IDCBIS Single Donor Registry would be the first program of its kind to be implemented in Colombia, backed by more than 15 years of experience of the IDCBIS District Blood Bank located in Bogota in processing and immunohematological study of hemocomponents.

How are single
donors identified?

Most people with a unique blood type are identified through pre-transfusion testing. These are implemented to verify whether a unit of blood components is compatible with the potential recipient.

When someone has a unique blood group, their relatives may also have it, for this reason special tests are performed on them, which allows us to have an extended knowledge and verify if they can be potential donors.

The aforementioned cases constitute the majority of cases found. The District Blood Bank IDCBIS, through a population-based study seeks to identify new individuals by randomly testing frequent donors in order to find out if there are people who have these unique characteristics in their blood, as they could be the only hope for someone else.

By building the IDCBIS Single Donor community, members will not only have the benefit of helping those in need, but also of receiving help in an efficient manner by being previously identified.

Logo a color IDCBIS Centro de investigación reconocido por minciencias r-1763-2021


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