Colombia will benefit from stem cell transplants from Colombian donors.

10 December, 2017

Research generated with resources from the General System of Royalties in Science, Technology and Innovation.

We would like to inform the public that this morning the project "Research oriented to the implementation of best practices for the clinical application of cellular therapies. Model: TPH in Bogota"was unanimously approved by the Collegiate Administrative and Decision Making Body - OCAD for Science, Technology and Innovation for a total amount of $12.530.211.296  financed by the General Royalties System.

 This project presented by the District Health Financial Fund and formulated by the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health - IDCBIS in association with the HOMI Foundation will benefit patients who are candidates for progenitor stem cell transplants, thus continuing to strengthen the Science, Technology and Innovation system in the area of regenerative medicine.

 This project is articulated with projects previously approved by the General Royalties System in 2012 and 2016: "Implementation of the public cord blood bank and cell therapy unit at Hemocentro, Bogotá." y “Estudios técnicos para la implementación del registro nacional de donantes de progenitores hematopoyéticos”  taking into account that the model for the application of good clinical practices for cell therapy will be the Progenitor Stem Cell Transplantation.

 Until the implementation of these projects, the alternatives of access to the search for compatible donors of umbilical cord blood, bone marrow or peripheral blood units mobilized in Colombia were made only through international registries. In Colombia, the Transplantation of Progenitor Stem Cells from blood of the Public Bank started this year with units that come from a genetically similar Colombian donor, but not a family member.

 This project is important for Colombia because it has become a pole of development of these therapies due to its research and innovative approach in biotechnology for the service of public health, reducing social inequality in a transnational context.

Formulating group:

Dr. Bernardo Camacho - @B_CamachoMD

Dr. Ana María Perdomo

Dr. Gustavo Salguero

Dra. Jenny Ríos

Public Cord Blood Bank

Cell Therapy Unit

Executing Entity

District Health Financial Fund

Find out all the details of the project approval:

Logo a color IDCBIS Centro de investigación reconocido por minciencias r-1763-2021


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