Call for applications Financial support for the development of a master's thesis related to the donation of hematopoietic progenitor cells in Colombia.

25 January, 2019 0

The IDCBIS presents the call for financial support for the development of a master's degree related to the donation of hematopoietic progenitor cells, since one of our functions is to manage lines of research and technological innovation in various fields of human health sciences, with emphasis on transfusion medicine, tissue engineering, advanced therapy and regenerative medicine in coordination with national and international academic and research centers.

Invitation here

In accordance with the above, we attach the call and ratify the dates of the process set forth therein.

If you have any questions, please contact the Innovation and Organizational Development Group:

PBX 3649620 ext. 9468

Stage Dates
Publication of the terms of the call for proposals January 10, 2019
Registration of application documents February 28, 2019
Verification of compliance with minimum requirements March 4, 2019
Evaluation of proposals and interviews and final selection March 5 to 15, 2019
Notification of results March 18, 2019

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