IDCBIS recognizes El Lugar de su Presencia, Christian Church for its support of blood donations

12 March, 2019

This Tuesday, the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health IDCBIS, belonging to the Health Sector, gave the Christian Church El Lugar de su Presencia recognition for its great support to blood donation from its community, with a total of 2753 blood donations in 22 donation days in recent years; this large number of altruistic acts has benefited more than 7,000 patients of the Public Hospital Network in the city of Bogota and other hospital institutions nationwide.

The award was presented by IDCBIS Director Dr. Bernardo Camacho to Pastors Claudia Bermúdez and Orlando Reyes and to representatives Alex Torres and Óscar Ferro, from El Lugar de su Presencia Church, who expressed their gratitude for being able to make these alliances with the Health Sector for the health and wellbeing of the capital's community.

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