The District strengthens health research with the cooperation agreement between the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogotá and the Instituto Distrital de Ciencia, Biotecnología e Innovación en Salud.
Seminar on Health Research 2022: dialogues between research, academia and institutions to make visible, relate, recognize and establish possible strategic alliances around health research.
August 9, 2022. The agreement between the two institutions has a duration of 5 years and seeks to create a framework for scientific cooperation to advance joint actions in the areas of training, research, extension, technical, administrative and academic assistance, which allow the institutional strengthening of both entities. After only seven months of having started to implement the agreement, 3 projects have already been submitted to calls for proposals from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - Minciencias.
The National University of Colombia - Bogotá campus is a national leader in higher education and research according to the U-Sapiens Ranking, recognized for its contribution to the nation and for its excellence in training, research, and social and technological innovation processes.
For its part, IDCBIS has established itself as an institution of reference in the country, achieving recognition as a research center by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation under Resolution 1763 of 2021, demonstrating the ability of IDCBIS to generate high impact products, relevant to the scientific and academic society, and to society in general.
An important point of this agreement is the development of the 2022 Health Research Seminar, which opened the door for all those interested to access spaces led by experts, with the participation of 37 researchers and the attendance of more than 900 people in the five cycles.
Topics related to the health area were discussed, such as: predictive and personalized medicine, cellular therapies, neurodegenerative and rheumatologic diseases, population genetics and social appropriation of knowledge.
This space was an opportunity to establish dialogues between research, academia and institutions, contributing to the objective of making visible, relating, recognizing and establishing possible strategic alliances.
The District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health is a research center linked to the Health Sector of the Capital District. It promotes the advancement of health sciences, biotechnological research, the provision of biological supplies and the training of human resources in transfusion medicine, advanced tissue and cellular therapy and engineering, regenerative medicine and laboratory medicine.