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3 December, 2017 Awards

During the award ceremony of the V Habits and Healthy Lifestyles Awards (HEVS) of Coldeportes held in Bogota, in the Red Room of the Tequendama Hotel, IDCBIS recognized the contribution to the transformation of lives in the city with the program.
Drops Donated, Lives Saved.

This recognition was presented to Dr. Clara Luz Roldán González, director of Coldeportes and Oscar Darío Lozano, national coordinator of the HEVS program, to reaffirm the strategic alliance with the "Drops donated, lives saved" campaign and to continue strengthening the culture of blood donation in Bogotá, through the regular programming of voluntary and solidarity days in the community.


1 December, 2017 Awards

Dr. Bernardo Camacho, Director of the IDCBIS, presented an award to the Christian Church El Lugar de su Presencia for its social commitment in contributing to the transformation of lives in the city, thus reaffirming the strategic alliance to coordinate the strengthening of the culture of blood donation in Bogota, through the regular programming of voluntary and solidarity days in this community.

29 November, 2017 Awards

El pasado 28 de agosto el IDCBIS reconoció a los hospitales de Suba y de la Subred Norte, así como al hospital  Meissen de la Subred Sur por la contribución a la donación de sangre de cordón umbilical de las mujeres gestantes durante el parto para el Banco Público de Sangre de Cordón Umbilical -IDCBIS .

Logo a color IDCBIS Centro de investigación reconocido por minciencias r-1763-2021


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