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Biotechnology to treat fractures - Scientific research IDCBIS.

Biotechnology may seem like magic 🧙‍♂️

Our researchers at the IDCBIS Tissue Engineering Unit know this, and have decided to use this power to improve the health of the community 😁.

For this reason we are developing 3D Quyne, an alternative for patients who suffer fractures, using polylactic acid, a material that is being investigated for the first time in Colombia for its ability to allow the passage of nutrients, help bone regeneration and prevent the muscle from invading the area in recovery.

The #Biotecnología y la #Investigacioncientifica are today a hope for the development of personalized medicine in our country. Patients who in the future would see a more effective recovery would be the testimonies that would accompany the development of this research 👏🏼.

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Logo a color IDCBIS Centro de investigación reconocido por minciencias r-1763-2021


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