IDCBIS trains professionals from the Trauma Hospital of Costa Rica in procurement and processing of skin, amniotic membranes and musculoskeletal tissues.

The District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) received in its facilities two professionals from the Trauma Hospital attached to the National Insurance Institute of Costa Rica. This visit took place within the framework of South-South cooperation between the Colombian Presidential Cooperation Agency and the Costa Rican Ministry of Planning, an agreement requested by Costa Rica to obtain training in techniques for obtaining and processing skin, amniotic membranes and osteomuscular tissues.
Dr. Bernardo Camacho, Director of IDCBIS, began the tour with a presentation of the Institute, highlighting the value of research, innovation and knowledge management in biomedical sciences to provide high quality human biological services and supplies. "We are a sui generis entity, unique in Latin America where we bring together a blood bank, a multi-tissue bank, an umbilical cord blood bank and a cell therapy unit," emphasized Dr. Camacho.
"We have patients who need bone reconstruction surgeries, skin grafts and currently we do not have the supplies to be able to attend them. We want to form the bone bank and give it strength, to start promoting the use of skin and membranes, as well as osteomuscular tissue," said Dr. Rosalyn Gayle from the Trauma Hospital of Costa Rica, who received the training from the IDCBIS experts.
During the meeting, the visitors acquired detailed knowledge for replication and dissemination in the different institutions of Costa Rica.
"The IDCBIS is a pioneering institute and they are very advanced in the subject, they have potential for research, we hope to be able to do joint training, to hold a seminar where experts from the institute go to Costa Rica and train our compatriots with these advances that you have and that we do not have," said Nefertiti Chaves, coordinator of the tissue bank of the Trauma Hospital.
These training programs are part of the IDCBIS experience internationalization program.