First Knowledge Summit

First Knowledge Summit
The First Knowledge Summit was held in Bogota with the ultimate aim of finding a common language among clinicians, scientists and the psychosocial team on the understanding of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for children and adolescents.
The meeting was attended by the clinical team of the HOMI Foundation:
Dr. Gisela Barros García , Pediatric Oncohematologist, member of the team of the Hematopoietic Progenitor Transplant Unit of the HOMI Foundation.
Dr. Mauricio Chaparro, Pediatric Oncohematologist, Transplantologist, head member of the team of the Hematopoietic Progenitor Transplant Unit of the HOMI Foundation and current president of the ACHOP.
Dr. Gloria Inés Uribe, Special Hematology Bacteriologist, Bioethicist, Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia.
Dr. Carlos Alberto Pardo González, Oncohematologist, Pediatrician, Head of the Pediatric Oncohematology Unit of the Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia.
IDCBIS basic investigation team of scientists:
Ana María Perdomo, M.D., M.D., M.Sc. and Ph.
Dr. Gustavo Salguero, M.D., M.D., Ph.
Dr. Bibiana Higuera Rodríguez, social worker, specialist in management of IDCBIS institutions.
Dr. Ximena Marcela Bonilla Forero: Pharmaceutical Chemist; PhD in Cellular and Molecular Physiopathology; Specialized Researcher at IDCBIS.
IDCBIS Psychosocial Team:
Dr. Ximena Cortés, psychiatrist, forensic doctor and psychotherapist.
Nurse Xiomara Olaya, Master in Bioethics.
Carol Yaneth Peña Henao is a graduate and visual artist with a master's degree in Art History.
Psychologist Germán Piraquive Torres, specialist in Psychology and Health, Master in Psychoanalysis.
This Summit gathers the hard work of nearly three years between the disciplinary groups of the attending experts, from their respective roles in the institutions where they work. Thus, the members of the scientific team have participated in the construction of an umbilical cord resource center with whom transplantologists have been able to transplant hematopoietic progenitor units from Colombian donors and have been supported by a psychosocial perspective that has broadened the comprehensive framework and clinical approach.
The main objective that brought together these experts was the construction of a common field of dialogue and exchange between the different interdisciplinary groups involved in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, with a view to outlining the feasibility of cooperative work on the improvement of practices and results, focused on the child or adolescent patient.
The summit formalized its existence and its first version with a proclamation that will tie future summits together, with a commitment to dialogue and the exchange of knowledge.