Management of second degree facial burns with amniotic membrane preserved in glycerol 85%.

23 January, 2019

We present the article: Management of second degree facial burns with amniotic membrane preserved in glycerol 85% published in the journal Cirugía Plástica Ibero-latinoamericana in volume 44 number 4, prepared by Dr. Jorge Luis Gaviria, Dr. Viviana Gómez and Dr. Linda Guerrero.

This article presents the experience of using glycerol-preserved amniotic membrane as a temporary biological dressing in the treatment of superficial and deep second-degree facial burns.

It also presents the processes for obtaining, procuring and distributing amniotic membrane at the IDCBIS District Tissue Bank and concludes: "The use of amniotic membrane as a temporary biological dressing in the treatment of superficial and deep partial thickness facial burns, is an effective and accessible resource for those health systems with little availability of economic resources and materials, which makes it an ideal dressing for the treatment of the burned patient in countries where there are, at least, tissue banks with high quality standards that guarantee patient safety. "

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