The District Health Secretariat and the Council of Bogota awarded the order 'Social Responsibility Donate Bogota', to natural and legal persons committed to the donation of human organs and tissues in the Capital District.
The District Tissue Bank IDCBIS was awarded second place in Category 2: Promotion of donation for transplant purposes.
Likewise, the District Health Secretariat and the Council of Bogota made a special recognition to the institutions: Corporación Banco de Ojos de Colombia (Cobancol), Fundación Cosme y Damián and the Instituto Distrital de Ciencia, Biotecnología e Innovación en Salud (IDCBIS), for their contribution in the promotion and operational management of organ and tissue donation for transplantation purposes, in 2017.
For 9 years, this initiative has recognized and honored people who encourage and promote, through awareness-raising activities, the donation of organs and tissues for transplant and implant purposes, and who support transplant patients.
During the first quarter of 2018, the District Health Secretariat managed the donation of 81 organs, corresponding to cadaveric donors (57 kidneys, 18 livers and 6 hearts), with which an equal number of patients were transplanted. Likewise, 31 living donor transplants were performed (21 kidneys and 10 livers).
The District Health Secretariat also reported that so far this year it has received 7 organs (4 kidneys and 3 livers) for transplant from other regions of the country, for a total of 83 beneficiaries.
IDCBIS, passion for science and life.