The Ministry of Science recognized the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) as a Research Center for 5 years.

12 November, 2021

With this recognition, IDCBIS consolidates its position as the main actor in science and technology in the District and a reference for the country and the region.

September 10, 2021. Under resolution 1763 of 2021, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation recognized the District Institute of Science Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) as a research center for 5 years, a recognition that the Institute had received in 2019 for a period of one year.

In the resolution, the Ministry states the reasons why the IDCBIS is worthy of the designation, among them "high commitment to the development and implementation of strategies that are linked to the development of the country, articulated with the research policy from the research, training, technology transfer and generation of new knowledge axes.”.

According to IDCBIS director, Dr. Bernardo Camacho, "This recognition is the result of a work that began to take shape 20 years ago with the creation of the District Hemocenter and that four years ago materialized with the creation of the IDCBIS, joining the efforts of the Blood Bank, Tissue Bank and Cord Blood Bank with research and development of products in transfusion, tissue and cellular medicine, promoting the generation of knowledge and innovation in biomedical sciences through the articulation of actors in science and technology".

The analysis carried out by the technical area of the Knowledge Generation Directorate of the Ministry of Science corroborated that the Institute "...has the capacity to generate and manage the knowledge of the Ministry of Science...".demonstrates proper planning in research, administrative, service delivery, management and financial activities”.

On the other hand, it is noted that there were "a significant increase in the number of researchers linked to the center with respect to the first evaluation, which will result in scientific production, technological processes and contribute to the formation of new human capital.”.

Finally, MinCiencias evidenced IDCBIS's capacity to generate high impact products, relevant to the scientific and academic society, and to society in general. "The entire infrastructure and scientific capabilities of the Institute are at the service of the city and the country, which will allow the creation of new alliances that are in line with the District's Development Plan."explained Dr. Bernardo Camacho.

Logo a color IDCBIS Centro de investigación reconocido por minciencias r-1763-2021


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