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2 December, 2017 Uncategorized

As a result of the national call for the recognition and measurement of Research, Technological Development or Innovation Groups and for the recognition of Researchers of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation - SNCTeI 2017.the IDCBIS research group in transfusion, tissue and cellular medicine (GIMTTYC) was recognized in Category C.

Colciencias stated that the criteria for the definition of a research, technological development or innovation group were applied, where 7,362 records in GrupLAC were applied and endorsed by the institutions to participate in it.

In group C, 2,149 groups were recognized, including GIMTTYC, led by Dr. Bernardo Camacho.

The GIMTTYC group is an interdisciplinary group with actions aimed at the development of three main areas in health: transfusion medicine, tissue and cell therapy. Its objective is to identify health problems in the areas of transfusion medicine, tissue and cellular therapy in order to contribute to their solution through the development of research projects based on ethical criteria that generate new knowledge, strengthen the training of researchers and consolidate research networks.

With this recognition the group will continue working to achieve a positive impact on the solution of health problems that are part of transfusion medicine, tissue and cell therapy. It will also continue contributing to the training of researchers in these areas and forming knowledge networks.


1 December, 2017 Awards

Dr. Bernardo Camacho, Director of the IDCBIS, presented an award to the Christian Church El Lugar de su Presencia for its social commitment in contributing to the transformation of lives in the city, thus reaffirming the strategic alliance to coordinate the strengthening of the culture of blood donation in Bogota, through the regular programming of voluntary and solidarity days in this community.


30 November, 2017 News

On August 15 in Goettingen, Germany, the District Institute for Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) and the German Primate Center (DPZ), headed by Dr. Jens Grube, signed a scientific cooperation agreement that will last until April 2019.

Gustavo Salguero MD. PhD., Research Leader of the Cell Therapy Unit, was delegated by IDCBIS to sign the agreement and Dr. Jens Gruber and Dr. Manfred Eberle attended on behalf of DPZ. The event was attended by Ambassador Maria Lorena Gutierrez and the Embassy staff.

Colciencias was the mediating entity for the scientific cooperation process, through the annual call for binational mobility of researchers and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

This agreement was developed jointly between DPZ and IDCBIS, with the objective of joining efforts for the generation and transfer of knowledge and technology, as well as to research and implement new therapeutic strategies that combine stem cells and genetic modification or gene therapy technologies.

"The institutions expressed interest in cooperating in knowledge sharing, personnel exchange, and joint research projects that ultimately lead to publishable data and advances in technological development. According to the signed document, the parties agree to transfer knowledge in terms of training personnel to establish analysis techniques and workflows involving next-generation cell biochemistry or deep sequencing (NGS), and genetic manipulation and analysis of NGS data. IDCBIS will provide knowledge on the biology of human stem cells and their specific applications as therapeutic tools for immunotherapy and regeneration," said Colciencias Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation.

This first agreement is part of the IDCBIS projection at national and international level as a center of excellence in biomedical sciences research and biotechnology in health.

More information at:

German EmbassyColciencias

29 November, 2017 Awards

El pasado 28 de agosto el IDCBIS reconoció a los hospitales de Suba y de la Subred Norte, así como al hospital  Meissen de la Subred Sur por la contribución a la donación de sangre de cordón umbilical de las mujeres gestantes durante el parto para el Banco Público de Sangre de Cordón Umbilical -IDCBIS .


28 November, 2017 Uncategorized

The District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) received in its facilities two professionals from the Trauma Hospital attached to the National Insurance Institute of Costa Rica. This visit took place within the framework of South-South cooperation between the Colombian Presidential Cooperation Agency and the Costa Rican Ministry of Planning, an agreement requested by Costa Rica to obtain training in techniques for obtaining and processing skin, amniotic membranes and osteomuscular tissues.

Dr. Bernardo Camacho, Director of IDCBIS, began the tour with a presentation of the Institute, highlighting the value of research, innovation and knowledge management in biomedical sciences to provide high quality human biological services and supplies. "We are a sui generis entity, unique in Latin America where we bring together a blood bank, a multi-tissue bank, an umbilical cord blood bank and a cell therapy unit," emphasized Dr. Camacho.

"We have patients who need bone reconstruction surgeries, skin grafts and currently we do not have the supplies to be able to attend them. We want to form the bone bank and give it strength, to start promoting the use of skin and membranes, as well as osteomuscular tissue," said Dr. Rosalyn Gayle from the Trauma Hospital of Costa Rica, who received the training from the IDCBIS experts.

During the meeting, the visitors acquired detailed knowledge for replication and dissemination in the different institutions of Costa Rica.

"The IDCBIS is a pioneering institute and they are very advanced in the subject, they have potential for research, we hope to be able to do joint training, to hold a seminar where experts from the institute go to Costa Rica and train our compatriots with these advances that you have and that we do not have," said Nefertiti Chaves, coordinator of the tissue bank of the Trauma Hospital.

These training programs are part of the IDCBIS experience internationalization program.


28 November, 2017 of Blood

The District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS), a center linked to the District Health Secretariat, will be in charge of supplying the necessary units of blood to Pope Francis, in case the pontiff requires it, due to an emergency.

The National Institute of Health and the Vatican Protocol Commission determined that the IDCBIS is the bank selected to offer the blood packages, consisting of red blood cells and fresh plasma, taking into account that the public blood bank is a national reference in all quality processes and has the emergency blood components requested by the Vatican.

This Tuesday, September 5, 2017, IDCBIS will deliver in custody 7 units of red blood cells and 7 units of fresh plasma, to the Colombian Air Force, at the Military Air Transport Command (CATAM), to be transported, together with the Pope, throughout his stay in Colombia and can be used in case of an emergency.

The National Institute of Health, under circular number 1000-0027, also established the technical guidelines that provide the basic administrative, management and technical tools to prepare the response mechanisms of the national network of blood banks and transfusion services, in order to provide timely response to possible health emergencies that may arise in the event of crowds.

The IDCBIS blood bank is a non-profit center, linked to the District Health Secretariat, distributes about 20% of the blood used in the capital and aims to provide blood units, primarily to public hospitals in Bogota, with the responsibility to serve the poorest and most vulnerable population.

Logo a color IDCBIS Centro de investigación reconocido por minciencias r-1763-2021


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