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23 January, 2019 InvestigationNews
Presentamos el artículo: Manejo de quemaduras faciales de segundo grado con membrana amniótica preservada en glicerol 85% publicado en la revista Cirugía Plástica Ibero-latinoamericana en el volumen 44 número 4, elaborado por el Dr. Jorge Luis Gaviria, Dra. Viviana Gómez y la Dra. Linda Guerrero. Este artículo presenta la experiencia del uso de la membrana amniótica preservada en glicerol como apósito biológico temporal en el tratamiento de quemaduras faciales de segundo grado, superficial y profundo.


12 October, 2018 NewsAwards
The projects selected are:
1. Evaluation of the supporting capacity of mesenchymal stem cells from different tissues in the expansion of cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells. Investigator: Dr. Ximena Bonilla 
2. Design and evaluation of skin substitutes generated from biological scaffolds and Wharton's Jelly mesenchymal stromal cells for the repair of chronic skin ulcers.Investigator: Dr. Ingrid Silva


10 December, 2017 AgreementsNews

Research generated with resources from the General System of Royalties in Science, Technology and Innovation.

We would like to inform the public that this morning the project "Research oriented to the implementation of best practices for the clinical application of cellular therapies. Model: TPH in Bogota"was unanimously approved by the Collegiate Administrative and Decision Making Body - OCAD for Science, Technology and Innovation for a total amount of $12.530.211.296  financed by the General Royalties System.

 This project presented by the District Health Financial Fund and formulated by the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health - IDCBIS in association with the HOMI Foundation will benefit patients who are candidates for progenitor stem cell transplants, thus continuing to strengthen the Science, Technology and Innovation system in the area of regenerative medicine.

 This project is articulated with projects previously approved by the General Royalties System in 2012 and 2016: "Implementation of the public cord blood bank and cell therapy unit at Hemocentro, Bogotá." y “Estudios técnicos para la implementación del registro nacional de donantes de progenitores hematopoyéticos”  taking into account that the model for the application of good clinical practices for cell therapy will be the Progenitor Stem Cell Transplantation.

 Until the implementation of these projects, the alternatives of access to the search for compatible donors of umbilical cord blood, bone marrow or peripheral blood units mobilized in Colombia were made only through international registries. In Colombia, the Transplantation of Progenitor Stem Cells from blood of the Public Bank started this year with units that come from a genetically similar Colombian donor, but not a family member.

 This project is important for Colombia because it has become a pole of development of these therapies due to its research and innovative approach in biotechnology for the service of public health, reducing social inequality in a transnational context.

Formulating group:

Dr. Bernardo Camacho - @B_CamachoMD

Dr. Ana María Perdomo

Dr. Gustavo Salguero

Dra. Jenny Ríos

Public Cord Blood Bank

Cell Therapy Unit

Executing Entity

District Health Financial Fund

Find out all the details of the project approval:


9 December, 2017 News

During the last Open Innovation Summit held at the main headquarters of Compensar, the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation IDCBIS was present with a stand that allowed attendees to learn about the different services, products and research results that have been obtained in the last year, During this time, IDCBIS evolved from being the District Hemocenter to an institute for research, innovation and knowledge management in biomedical sciences, which provides services and human biological inputs for the benefit of individual and collective health to improve the quality of life and welfare of the community in Colombia.


6 December, 2017 News

Rachel Reynolds, Senior Policy Manager at the UK Research Council and Daniela Hensen, PhD Strategy and Policy Officer at the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council visited IDCBIS to learn about the Institute's research progress and results.

This visit was made possible thanks to the efforts of Colciencias, in charge of showing the panorama of the country's National Science and Technology System and strengthening bilateral relations in this area through the exchange of best practices. It is hoped that this exchange will lead to a stronger relationship between the RCUKs and their Colombian counterparts.

The RCUK is a non-departmental public body that coordinates science policy in the UK. It consists of seven Research Councils that are responsible for funding and coordinating academic research for the arts, humanities, science and engineering.


30 November, 2017 News

On August 15 in Goettingen, Germany, the District Institute for Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) and the German Primate Center (DPZ), headed by Dr. Jens Grube, signed a scientific cooperation agreement that will last until April 2019.

Gustavo Salguero MD. PhD., Research Leader of the Cell Therapy Unit, was delegated by IDCBIS to sign the agreement and Dr. Jens Gruber and Dr. Manfred Eberle attended on behalf of DPZ. The event was attended by Ambassador Maria Lorena Gutierrez and the Embassy staff.

Colciencias was the mediating entity for the scientific cooperation process, through the annual call for binational mobility of researchers and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

This agreement was developed jointly between DPZ and IDCBIS, with the objective of joining efforts for the generation and transfer of knowledge and technology, as well as to research and implement new therapeutic strategies that combine stem cells and genetic modification or gene therapy technologies.

"The institutions expressed interest in cooperating in knowledge sharing, personnel exchange, and joint research projects that ultimately lead to publishable data and advances in technological development. According to the signed document, the parties agree to transfer knowledge in terms of training personnel to establish analysis techniques and workflows involving next-generation cell biochemistry or deep sequencing (NGS), and genetic manipulation and analysis of NGS data. IDCBIS will provide knowledge on the biology of human stem cells and their specific applications as therapeutic tools for immunotherapy and regeneration," said Colciencias Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation.

This first agreement is part of the IDCBIS projection at national and international level as a center of excellence in biomedical sciences research and biotechnology in health.

More information at:

German EmbassyColciencias

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