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16 March, 2023 Uncategorized

Del 27 al 31 de marzo en el Jardín Botánico de Medellín se realizará este evento por primera vez en Latinoamérica.

La Federación Mundial de Periodistas Científicos WFSJ y la Asociación Colombiana de Periodismo y Comunicación de la Ciencia ACPC acogerán en Medellín del 27 al 31 de marzo a más de 500 periodistas y divulgadores de ciencia provenientes de alrededor de 50 países. 

La WCSJ es un espacio para discutir los temas más importantes del periodismo científico, compartir experiencias y establecer redes de trabajo. Este año, la conferencia se centrará en temas como la pandemia de COVID-19, la tecnología y la ética periodística.

Los asistentes podrán participar en paneles, talleres, conferencias y otras actividades enfocadas en el periodismo científico. Además, habrá oportunidades para explorar la ciudad de Medellín y su cultura vibrante.

Este evento se realizará por primera vez en Latinoamérica y el sur global. Le permitirá al país y a la región presentarle a periodistas de todo el mundo las grandezas de nuestro país en los ámbitos de diversidad biológica, cultural y científica. 

Haz clic here para más información.


14 February, 2023 Uncategorized

Blood donation is an act of solidarity that can save lives. Each unit of blood donated can help three or more people in need of transfusion. However, it is important to know the criteria and requirements to become a blood donor.

Requirements to donate blood

Blood donation: criteria and requirements:

- Weigh 50 kilos or more

- Good health

- Not having taken antibiotics 15 days before

- No tattoos or piercings done in the last 6 months

- To have slept at least 5 hours the night before.

- Do not have a fast of more than 4 hours.

- No flu symptoms at the time of donating

- Not having suffered hepatitis after 11 years of age

- Not having ingested antiparasitic drugs in the last month.

- Not having received blood in the last year

- Responsible sexual behavior

- Not pregnant

- If you are breastfeeding, that your son or daughter is older than 1 year old

- If you had Covid-19 or someone close to you had it, wait 15 days without symptoms after recovery to be able to donate.

If you meet the requirements and criteria to donate blood, you can contact a blood donation center to schedule an appointment. The District Blood Bank offers the possibility to verify that you can donate and, depending on the time, transport you or suggest the nearest public blood drive.

If everything is in order, you will be able to donate a unit of blood. The donation itself takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes and is a safe and simple process.

Find out all the information here.

Blood donation phone number:

Our apheresis donation service has a WhatsApp line that you can call to schedule your donation of blood components such as platelets and red blood cells. 

If you have any questions, you can find us on Facebook and Instagram as @IDCBIS. Write to us internally to have the pleasure of assisting you.

Blood donation is an act of solidarity that can save lives. If you meet the requirements and criteria to donate blood, do not hesitate to do it.

Having a culture of blood donation in the city is of vital importance to ensure the availability of this essential resource in emergency situations and for patients who need transfusions for chronic diseases, accidents, surgeries and childbirth. Blood donation is a constant need and the amount of blood donated is insufficient in many parts of the world.

Lack of donated blood can be fatal, especially in emergency situations. Therefore, a culture of blood donation is essential to ensure the availability of this vital resource. Blood donors can save lives of people suffering from serious illnesses or who have suffered a serious injury.

In addition, blood donation can also contribute to medical and scientific research. Blood is an important source of information and can help in the research of treatments and cures for chronic diseases.

In conclusion, having a culture of blood donation in the city is of vital importance to ensure the availability of this vital resource. It is important to foster a culture of blood donation to ensure that there is sufficient blood supply for patients in need and to support medical research. Blood donation is a caring act that can save lives, and we should all consider becoming regular blood donors.



Biotechnology to treat fractures - Scientific research IDCBIS.

Biotechnology may seem like magic 🧙‍♂️

Our researchers at the IDCBIS Tissue Engineering Unit know this, and have decided to use this power to improve the health of the community 😁.

For this reason we are developing 3D Quyne, an alternative for patients who suffer fractures, using polylactic acid, a material that is being investigated for the first time in Colombia for its ability to allow the passage of nutrients, help bone regeneration and prevent the muscle from invading the area in recovery.

The #Biotecnología y la #Investigacioncientifica are today a hope for the development of personalized medicine in our country. Patients who in the future would see a more effective recovery would be the testimonies that would accompany the development of this research 👏🏼.

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The dangerous Clonazepam challenge in social networks.

From the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Unit we inform you of the consequences of inappropriate use of clonazepam. We believe that a good way to prevent is to inform ourselves 😁.

👉 Clonazepam is a medicine used to treat mental and nervous system disorders such as anxiety, panic disorder and seizure disorder. It is also used to relieve symptoms of certain movement disorders. It is a type of medicine called a benzodiazepine, which helps relax muscles and reduce anxiety.

As we told you, there are great risks to your health if you do not consume it properly. Even an excess in consumption can have very negative consequences 🙁

According to our @minsalud, the clonazepam is a medicine of special control "because it produces effects of psychic or physical dependence in the human being; or it can have some degree of danger in its use". You can consult it in its web page.

Dangerous Clonazepam Challenge

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#farmaceuticaclinica #quimicafarmaceutica #divulgacioncientifica

Get to know all our outreach content on Instagram @IDCBIS


6 September, 2022 AgreementsNewsof Tissue

The District Tissue Bank of the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) has established itself as a reference bank in Latin America, training health professionals from different countries of the continent, this time the turn was for Chile.  

August 26, 2022. The tissue bank of Iquique, Chile, is developing a project that arises from the need of skin allografts for the management of burn patients. In Chile, on average there is only one skin donor in the country per year, therefore, the availability of cadaveric donor skin for transplantation is almost null. This opened the need for the use of living donor skin from body contouring surgeries. 

In order to improve, grow and have the standards that a tissue bank requires, doctors Aldo Cañete, children's surgeon and director of the Regional Skin and Tissue Bank; Luana Mandriaza, coordinator of the Regional Bank; Jennifer Gómez, nurse in charge of organ and tissue procurement; María José Pulgar, nurse coordinator of the skin program and Dr. Marcelo Fonseca, plastic surgeon, arrived in Bogotá on August. Marcelo Fonseca, plastic surgeon, arrived in Bogota on August 22 and during their visit they have been trained in the processes of rescue, processing and quality management of lamellar tissue, skin, amniotic membrane and acellular dermis at the IDCBIS District Tissue Bank.  

During their visit, the professionals of the Tissue Bank of Iquique attended the Burn Unit of the Simon Bolivar Hospital, as a referral in the integral treatment of the burned patient.

The District Tissue Bank of the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) is the only multipurpose public bank in the country and the first in Latin America with development and standardization in acellular dermis to favor the regeneration of definitive skin in burn patients. The Bank has INVIMA certification in good practices for ocular, musculoskeletal and skin tissue, in addition to being pioneers in Colombia in the amniotic membrane donation program, tissue that is used for the treatment of burn patients and for ophthalmology and maxillofacial surgery specialties.

"This knowledge that IDCBIS has given us will help our patients in Chile, since we are the only ones who process skin and we will be able to perfect our processes to improve the quality of life of many people," said Dr. Marcelo Fonseca, plastic surgeon.

This referral visit was possible thanks to the willingness of the Bank's staff headed by the director of IDCBIS, Dr. Bernardo Camacho, who has been leading international cooperation agreements that allow the consolidation of a scientific and medical community in the country and the region around research and altruism of citizenship.


30 August, 2022 AgreementsNewsof Tissue

The District Tissue Bank IDCBIS will donate the skin to attend burn patients in the Mantanzas region of Cuba. 

August 19, 2022. On August 5, in the province of Matanzas, Cuba, a fire broke out in an industrial zone due to a lightning strike in an oil storage facility, which caused the conflagration, leaving more than 60 people injured with burns.  

The District Tissue Bank IDCBIS, an entity linked to the District Health Secretariat, as humanitarian aid has donated 3 thousand cm2 of skin to the Cuban Government to help in the recovery of the wounded from the massive fire that occurred in this country. 

The donation was made thanks to the efforts of the Colombian Ministry of Health in alliance with the Cuban Vice-Ministry of Health, the Cuban Ambassador to Colombia and the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) linked to the District Health Secretariat of Bogota.

The Director of IDCBIS, Bernardo Camacho, stated that "in addition to expressing the generosity and international solidarity of this donation with the tragedy, it is the recognition of the high quality and trust in the IDCBIS District Tissue Bank to distribute to burn patients who need this tissue for their recovery. These tissues were rescued from Colombian donors, complying with all safety and quality standards for the care of patients who require it."

The IDCBIS currently has the only multipurpose Tissue Bank in the country, which favors access to the most vulnerable population with transplant requirements and has the selection of donors, rescue, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues with high quality standards. It is the only multipurpose bank in the country and the first in Latin America with development and standardization in acellular dermis to improve the regeneration of definitive skin in burn patients.

The Bank processes cornea and sclera, skin, musculoskeletal tissue and amniotic membrane for use in ophthalmology, plastic surgery and maxillofacial surgery.


Media coverage

Telesur: Colombia donates skin for burned patients of the fire in Cuba

Infobae: Colombia to donate 3,000 centimeters of skin to Cuba as part of humanitarian aid for the emergency in Matanzas

El Colombiano: Colombia joins humanitarian aid to Cuba: will donate skin for the injured in Matanzas


galardonado con la ORDEN CIVIL AL MÉRITO Dona Bogotá 2017-2018-2019About the District Tissue Bank






The District strengthens health research with the cooperation agreement between the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogotá and the Instituto Distrital de Ciencia, Biotecnología e Innovación en Salud.

Seminar on Health Research 2022: dialogues between research, academia and institutions to make visible, relate, recognize and establish possible strategic alliances around health research.

August 9, 2022. The agreement between the two institutions has a duration of 5 years and seeks to create a framework for scientific cooperation to advance joint actions in the areas of training, research, extension, technical, administrative and academic assistance, which allow the institutional strengthening of both entities. After only seven months of having started to implement the agreement, 3 projects have already been submitted to calls for proposals from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - Minciencias.

The National University of Colombia - Bogotá campus is a national leader in higher education and research according to the U-Sapiens Ranking, recognized for its contribution to the nation and for its excellence in training, research, and social and technological innovation processes.

For its part, IDCBIS has established itself as an institution of reference in the country, achieving recognition as a research center by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation under Resolution 1763 of 2021, demonstrating the ability of IDCBIS to generate high impact products, relevant to the scientific and academic society, and to society in general.

An important point of this agreement is the development of the 2022 Health Research Seminar, which opened the door for all those interested to access spaces led by experts, with the participation of 37 researchers and the attendance of more than 900 people in the five cycles.

Topics related to the health area were discussed, such as: predictive and personalized medicine, cellular therapies, neurodegenerative and rheumatologic diseases, population genetics and social appropriation of knowledge.

This space was an opportunity to establish dialogues between research, academia and institutions, contributing to the objective of making visible, relating, recognizing and establishing possible strategic alliances.


The District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health is a research center linked to the Health Sector of the Capital District. It promotes the advancement of health sciences, biotechnological research, the provision of biological supplies and the training of human resources in transfusion medicine, advanced tissue and cellular therapy and engineering, regenerative medicine and laboratory medicine.


The institute has been recognized for meeting very strict criteria, as well as for its advances in research.

Note originally published in: edició

The District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS), has informed the entire community, both scientific and academic, that the Transfusion, Tissue and Cellular Medicine Research Group (GIMTTYC) has obtained the classification of "Transfusion, Tissue and Cellular Medicine" group. A1 research by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

It should be noted that the group GIMTTYC is an interdisciplinary group with actions aimed at the development of three main areas in health: transfusion medicine, tissue and cellular therapy.

Its objective has been to identify health problems in the areas of transfusion medicine, tissue and cellular therapy in order to contribute in the solution through the development of research projects based on ethical criteria, that generate new knowledge, strengthen the training of researchers and consolidate research networks.

In interview with MEDICAL EDITION, Bernardo Camacho, director of the IDCBIS, said that "in the last call for applications more than 7,000 research groupsThe application is very rigorous, but in the end, a small group obtained the recognition, 849 groups remained".

Camacho explained that, "in group A there are 1,174, in group B there are 1,830 and in group C there are 2,376 groups. The A group has the least number of groups, but there are still 531 recognized groups."He added that "the A1 group is for research, which is like the top, in the sense that it is required to rigorously comply with the criteria to be in this group".

"In our case for the last four years we were in group C, but now we go up to A1 this is due to several factors, firstly having a senior researcher, international, scientific publications in high impact indexed journals," Camacho pointed out.

"For us that was very important because we were recognized in the field of health sciences, but we specifically have a research focus in the area of advanced cell therapies, among others. So we were recognized because we have carried out a great deal of scientific research and even original research in the focus that we have," said Camacho.

The director also explained that they train master's and doctoral students, and also have associate and senior researchers. "We are implementing the inclusion of more senior researchers."

"That designation is earned by all the achievements that the research group has made, but in October of the previous year we were recognized as a research center for the next five years, this due to the strength in information and scientific production, which performs the team of scientists who are working with us," Camacho has pointed out.



The IDCBIS research team plans to start clinical trials by the end of 2022.

January, 2022. Currently, the recovery time for fractures can take from 3 to 6 months. However, in some particular conditions, this time is extended to a year or more, because a large number of surgeries are required for patients to recover their mobility and normal rhythm of life. For this reason, researchers at the Tissue Engineering Unit of the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) decided to use 3D printing to develop bone structures that can be applied in general and personalized medicine.

This is the first time that design, 3D printing and basic sciences have been combined to develop a device made with polylactic acid (PLA) for the repair of musculoskeletal tissue in Colombia. The results obtained in preclinical trials have shown greater efficacy compared to conventional methods. This is due to the device's architecture, which favors cell migration and its design prevents the muscle from invading it, thus contributing to tissue repair.

This research is led by scientists Ingrid Silva, William Cárdenas and Adriana Lara. The research is currently in the pre-clinical stage and the clinical phase is planned for the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023.

According to Dr. Bernardo Camacho, director of IDCBIS, "these types of research contributions are fundamental to contribute to improving the health of the country's population". He also explained that this project is part of the consolidation of a research and product development platform that has been developed at the Institute and which has allowed it to be recognized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation as a Research Center.

Other research conducted by the unit led by Dr. Ingrid Silva includes bioengineering of skin tissue and bone tissue, biological scaffolds for skin regeneration, cell encapsulation for advanced therapy, among others.



The meeting was held on December 9 and brought together the experiences of international donors and the expectations of potential donors to the Colombian program (DarCélulas).

Diciembre, 2021. DarCélulas is a research project executed by the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) with funding from the Science, Technology and Innovation Fund of the General System of Royalties and the District Administration of Bogota.

The purpose of the project is to create the first large database of blood-forming cell donors (also called stem cells), a registry of people willing to save the lives of people who do not know and have diseases such as leukemia.

Registries today exist in many countries around the world such as Japan and the United States; and in Latin America in Mexico, Argentina and Chile, among others. While in Colombia, the creation of the first registry was given in 2019 and with it, the realization of an annual event in which the updated information of the program is shared to the community of registered donors.

The first loyalty event was face-to-face at the Konrad Lorenz University in 2019, where the first balance and perspectives were presented. The 2020 event was virtual and was held with the slogan "compatible with life", in this version it was reported that the program would open its doors to other cities, in addition to Bogota, and experiences of international records were shown.

In the 2021 version, held on December 9, the protagonists were the potential donors who have registered in Colombia, who were the guests of honor at the event; on the other hand, an international story of a donor and a patient who were connected through a donation and were able to meet each other was shown. In addition, the expectations of potential donors who have registered in Bogota, Medellin, Cali and Barranquilla were made known.

At present, the program has surpassed the 3,000 people registered and more than 15,000 pre-registered.

Watch here #EventoDar2021:

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