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9 October, 2023 DonaciónNewsNews

Colombia se encuentra en el umbral de un emocionante avance en la medicina y la atención médica con el lanzamiento del proyecto pionero “Donantes Únicos”. Este innovador programa tiene como objetivo abordar la crítica necesidad de sangre con grupos sanguíneos poco comunes, que en el pasado ha requerido importaciones internacionales y ha resultado en complicaciones clínicas graves para pacientes en situaciones críticas.

La escasez de grupos sanguíneos poco comunes ha sido un desafío persistente en el ámbito médico colombiano, obligando en ocasiones a importar sangre desde otros países, como el caso notorio de Medellín, que ha recurrido a componentes sanguíneos de Brasil. Esto ha llevado a situaciones donde se han realizado transfusiones de sangre incompatible, con consecuencias graves para los pacientes.

Para el Dr. Bernardo Camacho, director del IDCBIS, “Este proyecto de ‘Donantes Únicos’ es pionero en América Latina y nuestro instituto se convierte en un centro de referencia para la investigación científica que es el propósito de esta administración de apoyar la ciencia con recursos propios y con el sistema de regalías”.

Este proyecto revolucionario aborda de manera innovadora y prometedora, dos componentes claves:

Identificación de Donantes Fidelizados: El programa busca establecer un grupo de donantes fidelizados que estén disponibles de inmediato cuando se necesite una donación para pacientes con grupos sanguíneos poco comunes. Esto asegurará un acceso rápido y seguro a las transfusiones necesarias, reduciendo las complicaciones médicas.

Criopreservación de Glóbulos Rojos: Una parte revolucionaria del proyecto es la criopreservación de unidades de glóbulos rojos, lo que extenderá significativamente su vida útil de 42 días a casi 10 años. Este inventario de sangre criopreservada permitirá un suministro sostenible y confiable para pacientes con fenotipos raros en Colombia.

“La iniciativa que está teniendo el IDCBIS, para que su banco de sangre cuente con tipologías diferentes o extrañas, es bien interesante y útil ya que va ayudar a muchas familias como la mía, donde prima salvar vidas”. Afirmó, Jairo Fandiño, donante de sangre.

Alcance Nacional y Colaboración Internacional

Un aspecto crucial del proyecto es su alcance nacional. Se espera que cualquier entidad dentro de la red nacional de sangre pueda acceder al programa “Donantes Únicos” para buscar grupos sanguíneos poco comunes cuando sea necesario. Si las unidades criopreservadas están disponibles en el IDCBIS, se podrán suministrar de inmediato. En casos donde no haya donantes disponibles en Colombia, el proyecto se conectará con redes colaborativas a nivel internacional para obtener la sangre necesaria.

Este proyecto innovador representa un gran avance en la atención médica en Colombia y ofrece esperanza a los pacientes con grupos sanguíneos poco comunes. “Donantes Únicos” no solo garantizará la disponibilidad de sangre crítica en momentos cruciales, sino que también contribuirá a reducir las complicaciones médicas y salvar vidas.


Esta es la historia de uno de los primeros bancos de sangre, el cual surgió durante la Guerra Civil Española ocurrida el siglo pasado.
The donación de sangre en esa época era una experiencia distinta a la que vivimos hoy.
En esa época tenías que estar frente a frente con el paciente a quien le salvabas la vida. La conexión era de brazo a brazo.
Hoy contamos con procesos que además aseguran que la donación se realice de manera anónima . ¿Por qué se decidió crear un servicio como el banco de sangre? Entérate en este video.


¡Buenas noticias para Bogotá y toda Colombia! El Banco Distrital de Sangre del IDCBIS ha obtenido la certificación más prestigiosa en calidad para los bancos de sangre a nivel internacional. La Fundación CAT, reconocida entidad de certificación en transfusión, terapia celular y tisular de España, ha otorgado a esta institución de salud una acreditación que garantiza la excelencia en sus prestaciones médicas.

Este logro trascendental coloca al Banco Distrital de Sangre IDCBIS en un lugar destacado no solo a nivel nacional, sino también como referente internacional en bancos de sangre y servicios de transfusión. Nuestra entidad ha demostrado su compromiso inquebrantable con la calidad y la seguridad al ser el único banco en el país que realiza pruebas de biología molecular (NAT) al 100% de los componentes sanguíneos para garantizar la seguridad en las transfusiones.

La acreditación CAT, que se renueva cada cuatro años, destaca la excelencia en medicina transfusional que el Banco Distrital de Sangre IDCBIS ofrece a la sociedad. Tanto los donantes como los pacientes que reciben los hemocomponentes de este banco se benefician de la seguridad y calidad garantizada por esta certificación.

El Dr. Bernardo Camacho, director del IDCBIS, expresó su satisfacción al recibir la noticia: “Nos complace anunciar a la comunidad científica, académica, sanitaria y a la sociedad, la obtención de esta certificación internacional en calidad para nuestro Banco Distrital de Sangre. Cumplimos con los más altos estándares de calidad europeos en la captación, procesamiento y distribución de los hemocomponentes”.

Esta certificación no solo enaltece al Banco Distrital de Sangre IDCBIS, sino que también posiciona a Bogotá como un referente en calidad en medicina transfusional, generando reconocimiento y confianza en los productos y servicios de salud ofrecidos a la población. El compromiso de nuestra institución con la seguridad y calidad de las donaciones es evidente en sus estrictos protocolos y estándares internacionales, lo que garantiza que cada donante experimente un proceso seguro y cómodo.

Le puede interesar: Una donación, cuatro bebés beneficiados

Con este logro, los pacientes que dependen de transfusiones sanguíneas pueden tener la tranquilidad de recibir componentes de la más alta calidad y seguridad.

En resumen, el Banco Distrital de Sangre IDCBIS ha alcanzado un hito excepcional al obtener la certificación CAT, consolidando su liderazgo en la medicina transfusional y proyectando a Bogotá como una ciudad comprometida con la excelencia en el cuidado de la salud de sus ciudadanos. Esta noticia nos llena de orgullo y confianza en el sistema de salud de nuestra ciudad y país.

¡Felicidades al Banco Distrital de Sangre IDCBIS por este logro sobresaliente en beneficio de toda la comunidad!



The IDCBIS research team plans to start clinical trials by the end of 2022.

January, 2022. Currently, the recovery time for fractures can take from 3 to 6 months. However, in some particular conditions, this time is extended to a year or more, because a large number of surgeries are required for patients to recover their mobility and normal rhythm of life. For this reason, researchers at the Tissue Engineering Unit of the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) decided to use 3D printing to develop bone structures that can be applied in general and personalized medicine.

This is the first time that design, 3D printing and basic sciences have been combined to develop a device made with polylactic acid (PLA) for the repair of musculoskeletal tissue in Colombia. The results obtained in preclinical trials have shown greater efficacy compared to conventional methods. This is due to the device's architecture, which favors cell migration and its design prevents the muscle from invading it, thus contributing to tissue repair.

This research is led by scientists Ingrid Silva, William Cárdenas and Adriana Lara. The research is currently in the pre-clinical stage and the clinical phase is planned for the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023.

According to Dr. Bernardo Camacho, director of IDCBIS, "these types of research contributions are fundamental to contribute to improving the health of the country's population". He also explained that this project is part of the consolidation of a research and product development platform that has been developed at the Institute and which has allowed it to be recognized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation as a Research Center.

Other research conducted by the unit led by Dr. Ingrid Silva includes bioengineering of skin tissue and bone tissue, biological scaffolds for skin regeneration, cell encapsulation for advanced therapy, among others.



The meeting was held on December 9 and brought together the experiences of international donors and the expectations of potential donors to the Colombian program (DarCélulas).

Diciembre, 2021. DarCélulas is a research project executed by the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) with funding from the Science, Technology and Innovation Fund of the General System of Royalties and the District Administration of Bogota.

The purpose of the project is to create the first large database of blood-forming cell donors (also called stem cells), a registry of people willing to save the lives of people who do not know and have diseases such as leukemia.

Registries today exist in many countries around the world such as Japan and the United States; and in Latin America in Mexico, Argentina and Chile, among others. While in Colombia, the creation of the first registry was given in 2019 and with it, the realization of an annual event in which the updated information of the program is shared to the community of registered donors.

The first loyalty event was face-to-face at the Konrad Lorenz University in 2019, where the first balance and perspectives were presented. The 2020 event was virtual and was held with the slogan "compatible with life", in this version it was reported that the program would open its doors to other cities, in addition to Bogota, and experiences of international records were shown.

In the 2021 version, held on December 9, the protagonists were the potential donors who have registered in Colombia, who were the guests of honor at the event; on the other hand, an international story of a donor and a patient who were connected through a donation and were able to meet each other was shown. In addition, the expectations of potential donors who have registered in Bogota, Medellin, Cali and Barranquilla were made known.

At present, the program has surpassed the 3,000 people registered and more than 15,000 pre-registered.

Watch here #EventoDar2021:


12 November, 2021 DonaciónNewsof Blood

The District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) is celebrating its fourth anniversary and the 20th anniversary of the District Blood Bank, formerly known as the District Hemocenter.

In March 2017, the District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health (IDCBIS) was formally created with 9 founding entities: the District Health Secretariat, the four Integrated Health Services Sub-Networks of the District, the National University of Colombia, Los Andes, Javeriana, and the National Institute of Cancerology. Subsequently, the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario joined the board of directors.

During these 4 years the Institute has established itself as a pioneering health research center that has contributed to the development of science in Bogota and the country, thanks to its management lines such as: District Tissue Bank, District Blood Bank, Advanced Therapies Unit, Umbilical Cord Blood Bank and the National Registry of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Donors (DarCélulas).

Dr. Bernardo Camacho, director and manager of IDCBIS, said "we are proud to celebrate four years of service to the community, patients and science. Today we remember and celebrate the research, publications and contributions that have allowed our Institute to become a scientific heritage of our city and the country".

In addition to the celebration of the Institute, this year the District Blood Bank, formerly Hemocentro Distrital, completed 20 years in which it has established itself as a national and international reference bank for training and education of human talent in blood banking and transfusion services, capturing 673,817 donations and distributing 1,116,821 blood components.

Throughout these years the IDCBIS has worked permanently, not only in the promotion and strengthening of the culture of blood donation, but also of tissue donation, management that has made it worthy of the Civil Order of Merit "Dona Bogotá" in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, a decoration of the City Council.

The Advanced Therapies Unit is in charge of research and development of products in transfusion, tissue and cellular medicine for use at pre-clinical scale and in clinical trials. Through this unit, the generation of knowledge and innovation in biomedical sciences is promoted through the articulation of actors in science and technology, consolidating a team of highly trained researchers who annually accumulate new publications in scientific journals and doctoral and master's theses.

Bogota City Council awarded in 2020 the Order of Merit to IDCBIS for its contributions to organ and tissue donation.

As for the Cord Blood Bank, since its creation in 2013, more than 9,000 units have been collected and 47 pediatric patients with severe blood diseases in hospitals in Bogota and Medellin have received transplants.

Within the framework of these efforts made in the Advanced Therapies Unit and the Umbilical Cord Blood Bank, in 2020 the IDCBIS put at the service of the city and the country a laboratory called White Room, due to its maximum environmental control conditions (temperature, humidity, air pressure and pollution), being the only one in Colombia of this large size (280m2 approximately) and degree of complexity. These state-of-the-art facilities put the Institute in a position to strengthen national and international scientific cooperation agreements and position it as a leader in the region in innovation in cell therapy, gene therapy and tissue engineering.

In addition, in 2020 IDCBIS announced the launch of a molecular immunohematology laboratory, the first of its kind in the country and the second in Latin America, which aims to solve complex erythrocyte and platelet compatibility diagnoses through its advanced immunogenic technology.

Finally, the Registry of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Donors, also called DarCélulas, is a project that is in the pilot phase and already has more than 1,900 people registered, being the first program in Colombia in which potential donors of blood-forming cells for patients with serious diseases such as leukemias, lymphomas, aplasia, among others, are registered. To date, more than 17 million people have been impacted through social networks.

During these 4 years, the Institute has worked hard in a coordinated manner to take advantage of each of its strategic lines in a joint effort in which the lessons learned from all the actions carried out at the Institute are used, making it a national and international reference in biomedical sciences.

You may be interested in: Colombia to have its first molecular immunohematology laboratory


The District Institute of Science, Biotechnology and Innovation in Health - IDCBIS, was elected for the fourth consecutive year by the Council as the deserving recipient of the Order of Social Responsibility Donate Bogota in the category that recognizes individuals and associations that have worked or made efforts to encourage and promote the culture of organ and tissue donation for transplantation and implantation purposes in the capital.

This award recognized the work carried out by IDCBIS through its District Tissue Bank, the only multipurpose bank in the country and the first in Latin America with development and standardization in acellular dermis to favor the regeneration of definitive skin in burned patients. The Bank has INVIMA certification in GMP for ocular tissue, skin and amniotic membrane, and is also a Latin American reference in donor selection, rescue, processing, storage and distribution of human tissues for implant purposes.

Dr. Bernardo Camacho, Director of IDCBIS, thanked the honorable Council of Bogota for this award, but especially praised the families of deceased donors and those who generously and altruistically gave their authorization in life to give another chance of life to patients who have required an organ or tissue transplant. He also invited the general population to join the culture of donation, which has been so affected by the pandemic.

In what circumstances is tissue donated?

  • Organs and tissues can be obtained from living or deceased donors.
  • In the case of living donors, appropriate conditions must be guaranteed to minimize as much as possible the risks assumed by the person who wishes to voluntarily donate tissue, following the legal and medical requirements already established.
  • In terms of tissues, corneas, skin, bones, bone marrow, blood vessels, heart valves, cartilage, tendons, sclera and amniotic membrane can be transplanted.

Logo a color IDCBIS Centro de investigación reconocido por minciencias r-1763-2021


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